Yeah, that looks about right, as the Tigerbots go. Same HP value they're at in my game (also on expert).
.....but typically you dont get a bazillion of them at once, haha. They work out well enough normally because they'll be scattered around the mission and there wont be THAT many of them compared to other bots, but.... so very many in a final mission!
Hm, I wonder what the solution to this one might be? I dont really wanna keep suggesting that things have their base shields lowered, but obviously that's way too many of that particular bot type for that last mission. And factory missions arent guaranteed to lower the levels of any particular bot all that much, which is my only real issue with them.
Hm, maybe there needs to be a limitation on which possible slot the TigerBot can go into? The game always seems to pick a couple of bots that get the lower non-boss slots on that screen, like how there's only 33 CommandBots. TigerBots should probably only go in one of those slots to limit their numbers.