Ok, so i'm a noob usually, which means easy is normally my cup of tea, because i'm always failing all the time, and easy makes it so i can win some in Arcen's games. Anyway, so now i'm about 15 missions in on easy in Bionic Dues and i'm winning every mission (for about the last 6 or seven), usually now without even losing an exo. In the beginning i lost alot.
So, i guess the normal thing to do when you are winning too much is to go up to the next higher difficulty and try it there.
But i had an idea, (i know... i know...) anyway, what if there was a screen that a player could choose to LOWER their ammo, or One of their weapons, or maybe even Two of their weapons, or their Stealth, or their shields, or ... you know. Something to give them bragging rights whether they was in easy or expert or misery difficulty.
And the whole point of this of course is not just to make it harder, like in difficulty level, but to allow people to come back and say, "You know... i went through that mission with only two exos and only one weapon each, and only half my ammo, and no shields and no stealth at all!" "Oh yeah, well I did that mission with only one exo, and i had only one weapon and had one eye closed the whole time too! So there!"
Anyway, i was hoping it could be an easy addition, or an expansion addition idea, but i thought it might be cool. I mean I'm going to try the hard level now and see if i can still stay alive awhile, but its not as much fun as coming back here and bragging about doing it with one only one exo and half my ammo and my eyes closed too!