The magnetic containment chamber (which has a reactor effect and a weapon effect) can only go either in the reactor or in an _AOE_ weapon. I suppose it should make that clearer
It's on my list, yeah, to make it show that info.
Ok. Two possibilities come to mind, I'm not sure which is better:
1) Have an extra line (or suffix on the title line or whatever) showing the eligible slots. You'd get this from, for example for the mag chamber:
this.Category = SystemModuleCategory.Reactor | SystemModuleCategory.AreaOfEffectWeapons;
Some logic for showing names of those when there's more than one value, etc.
2) Instead of having it say "(Weapon) +52% AOE", have it say "(AOE Weapon) +52% AOE". This would be somewhat more complex because the effect is actually just weapon-only, and doesn't do the aoe-weapon-only restriction there:
this.AddEntry( ModuleEffectType.IncreaseAreaOfEffect, EntitySystemCategory.Weapon, 1f, 1f );
But the display code could infer from (Category & SystemModuleCategory.Weapons == 0) && (Category & SystemModuleCategory.AreaOfEffectWeapons != 0) that it should display the other, in theory.
Which would be your preference? Or does neither work?