I swear I must be the only one that didn't like FF6 all that much.
Though it being super-easy didn't help my limited attention span one bit, so that's kinda part of it...
Did you finish it? It's important to note that most Final Fantasy games have optional bosses and the ability to level yourself out of getting "stuck." If you do not level yourself up and just go straight through, you should be able to find some tension, especially if you go after optional bosses and optional characters. But overall, the game is not meant to be the hardest thing you ever played, and I don't even think you are supposed to "lose." It's an adventure that will hopefully give you enough tension and enough story to keep things interesting. If story is not important to you, you probably shouldn't play these games. It's for people with overactive imaginations. This is back in the day when Final Fantasy was extremely story heavy and in its prime. At the age of 12, when I first played this game, it caught me at the right moment. Imagine being a child who already spends too much time in fantasyland and daydreaming, and this is the kind of game that will indulge that kind of personality.
I remember when I beat the game, it was a moment of exhilaration and sadness that it was over. I was excited to take down Kefka, but more than that, the redemption of each character. Every single character gets their heart ripped out. They lose everything. It's an incredibly dark story (a little heavy for a 12-year-old), and it's not going to give you the happy ending wrapped in a bow. It offers you something different. Even addressed controversial topics at the time it came out, such as teen pregnancy. I find it inspiring. Sometimes I still load up the dream oath opera on YouTube. I remember when I excitedly called my mother to witness my crowning achievement at the time, to which she only looked at me with a blank face and wondered what I was going on about. She never got it. But to me, it was a moment. And the people who have experienced that will undoubtedly claim that this game is the best of all time.
As someone who is older, who actively tries to nurture and maintain my imagination, I can only look back with nostalgia and fondness. The characters themselves and the story "meant something" to my 12-year-old self. I don't think that someone who is older trying to play this game is going to have it capture them in quite the same way. The battle system was novel at the time, but it's tried-and-true now.
So I don't know what to tell you besides, if the adventure doesn't capture you, there's no point in playing.
Edit: one more Final Fantasy 6 story of how i met my best buddy in college. He was playing ping-pong and the topic of games came about. We each had the same favorite game. He went back to his room and returned with the Final Fantasy VI Bible, and I had a strategy guide that I also brought to college. Instant friends for life. There's something about this particular title that strikes people.