General Category > Bionic Dues

Bionic Dues: First 10 Screenshots!

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In that screenshot I was hovered over the wait button, which is pretty traditional for roguelikes. Whistle is pretty unique to my knowledge, but wait is a genre staple. It is generally useful when you want to let them round a corner so you can blast them. :)

I don't think whistling is a mechanic in most rogue-like roguelikes, but I think you can deliberately make sound with nearby supplies. Throw a rock, throw a corpse you're carrying, stuff like that. Then again, those kinds of roguelikes are more tactical out of battle, rather than relying on smart moves in battle.

Oooh, interesting stuff. I was expecting it to be something "outdoors" rather than dungeon-crawly, but I'm not complaining.

Only thing that bothers me is the customization UI, with its large areas of empty space with nothing but a plain background (probably looks better in non-widescreen). The original XCOM had thematic backgrounds for UI screens, e.g. as a drawing of a hangar in the aircraft customization screen; are you planning on something similar?


--- Quote from: Penumbra on August 23, 2013, 12:32:07 am ---Oh man! Even more exciting! And that Exo customization view? That gives me a warm, fuzzy Mechwarrior load-out vibe.

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+1 :D

--- Quote from: Histidine on August 23, 2013, 01:20:11 am ---Oooh, interesting stuff. I was expecting it to be something "outdoors" rather than dungeon-crawly, but I'm not complaining.

Only thing that bothers me is the customization UI, with its large areas of empty space with nothing but a plain background (probably looks better in non-widescreen). The original XCOM had thematic backgrounds for UI screens, e.g. as a drawing of a hangar in the aircraft customization screen; are you planning on something similar?

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+1 again ;).

This looks pretty darn good to me.  I generally love roguelikes of most any type, even if they are likely to get very long strings of four-letter words out of me.

I doubt I even have to say so at this point, but you can consider me as a guaranteed pre-order as well as an applicant for the alpha as soon as that starts.   

Everything I've read about the game so far sounds pretty good.

I'd ask a pile of questions here but I'm stuck typing on the iPad at the moment and the damn touchscreen typing drives me crazy.


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