I'm really curious if these are roguelike potions or "traditional" potions. Aka randomized effects vs fixed effects.
I'm actually implementing them this very moment. There are 12 "potion terminal" types with different appearances, and each type is randomly assigned one of the possible "potion conseqeunces" at the start of a new game.
There are four lists of "potion consequences" internally: Very Nice, Nice, Mean, and Very Mean. Different numbers of them are pulled in based on the difficulty. On easy it pulls 2 VeryNice, 6 Nice, and 4 Mean. On highest difficulty it pulls 5 Nice, 5 Mean, and 2 VeryMean.
In short, basically the roguelike model.
The interesting twist here is that since an exo blowing up is not the end of the game, you can do some degree of "poison tasting" (poor Science exo). But it's quite possible to lose a mission because of one of these, and that could greatly inconvenience your plans of winning the game