Author Topic: Additional skill groups  (Read 2417 times)

Offline Hearteater

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Additional skill groups
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:13:35 pm »
So right now we have skill-groups: Computer, Propulsion and Shield. I've got a mantis proposal to make a 4th and move Mines and Turrets into that along with a new skill, Salvage. Anyway, with these skill groups we get +x% boosts on components. If we look at it as a grid, we can boost each column via components. I've been wondering if boosting rows would be nice. 

Charge-skills:ShieldsOverloadSensorsSentry Turrets
Mechanic-skills:Damage ReductionTrap SkillHackingSalvage

IDEA 2 (extension of the above):
So that's the basic thought. But an extension of this could be to make the row-based skills instead based on resources such as Power. You reduce how hard power is a limiting factor and instead make having extra power a bonus. From there you can add two additional "cap" ratings alongside power: Structure (replacing mechanic-skills) and Processing (replacing nanite-skills). So the final shakedown is:

Power: Each component uses up some power, except Reactors which produce various amounts. Power usage doesn't go up as sharply with Marks and as a result you have a lot less of a Power issue with equipping components. Of course shield, overload, sensors and sentry turret values are scaled down some to assume if you want them high you'll run a surplus of power.

Structure: Each occupied component slot reduces your structure by a fixed amount. Filling all your slots leaves you with very little Structure. Some components are "extra-big" and take up more room. You can generally only fit in a few extra-big components. Unused structure goes towards armor (damage reduction), mobility improvements (trap skill), redundant systems (hacking), and cargo space (salvage).

Processing: Each component starts by using up Processing, but additional components of the same type (two Auxillary Tanks or whatever) take up only half the points. So running a lot of similar components reduces processing load. Unused processing points go towards automated repair nanites (regeneration), active cloaking (stealth), enhancing viruses, and in-combat mine assembly (hey, you didn't think your Exo was carrying 200 fully armed mines strapped to his back, did you?).

Offline nas1m

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Re: Additional skill groups
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 02:56:06 pm »
Interesting. I guess I would like to see Keith's first shot at the new customization model before trying this, but interesting nonetheless...
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Offline Hearteater

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Re: Additional skill groups
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2014, 03:35:29 pm »
I'm very interested in that as well. I also don't think they are exclusive. But I wanted to get the idea out there before he got going on it so he'd have extra ideas to work with.