Just some notes on playing .0912 and wanted to confirm these were issues and not just my old save game in the new version not lining up properly kinds of things.
But when in a save from 0911, though it might be originally older, because i have saved over it several times as i have gone on to new missions. But the problem is some of the 'events', such as hacking computer terminals, which have proved both beneficial and also sometimes a pain, are not showing what the effect is or was in the 'ever present message log window'
You may take that as a criticism of both the non-viewable message and of the 'ever-present-i-wish-it-would-go-away-but-it-never-does-message-log-window'

Also the temporary 'brown-out' (that is what it looks like) of the stealth module, i understand is only for the remainder of the 'turn', but honestly it is confusing. I restarted the level twice before i figured out they weren't gone for good for some unknown reason, once i thought i got damaged in battle, but that wasn't it.
Suggestion is leave the window 'lit' as long as there is points in it. And don't change the color until the points are used up.
Also on the city map, there are pop-up tooltips that are frustrating to get around, the major one is the choose mission or upgrade on the sidebar to your left tooltip. i have to move my mouse almost all over the map to get the tooltip to go away, sometimes clicking the map itself, only to have it reappear when i move my cursor down toward the yellow hostage mission again. This gets very frustrating when on the city map.
Those tooltips need a two or three second popup/fadeout, or have them appear at the top of the menu rather than the bottom, or something please. I am hating the popup almost as much as the 'ever-persistent-message-log that covers windows and maps and whatever else is in the right hand corner of the screen-window'.
I have mentioned it twice already in my posts and now a third time and no one has responded.
Thank you for listening and for responding, I appreciate it.
Thank you again, sincerely,