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Flickering while jumping upward


I find there is a bit of flickering.. one line across my screen when moving up or down by jumping.  Any idea how to fix this?


--- Quote from: shadow9d9 on March 31, 2012, 12:14:58 am ---I find there is a bit of flickering.. one line across my screen when moving up or down by jumping.  Any idea how to fix this?

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Sounds like run of the mill screen tearing. Are you using the V sync setting?


--- Quote from: zebramatt on April 01, 2012, 04:05:15 am ---
--- Quote from: shadow9d9 on March 31, 2012, 12:14:58 am ---I find there is a bit of flickering.. one line across my screen when moving up or down by jumping.  Any idea how to fix this?

--- End quote ---

Sounds like run of the mill screen tearing. Are you using the V sync setting?

--- End quote ---

Yep. Agreed. Turn on the V-sync setting and see if that helps.


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