It's entirely through addiction to the game and not any inherent ability on my part, I assure you :-).
I'm finishing up the game this time as a Thicketmaster, and I think you hit the balance ratio on the head there as well; it doesn't have the same room-clearing abilities as the shattered classes, but it has a unique offensive/defensive balance that plays uniquely with the precision single-shot and the defensive 5-shot perimeter. Making the slow 5-shot was perfect.
It's no longer underpowered and has just enough strength to give the impression of, "That's right, I'm a Thicketmaster. Whatcha gonna do about it?" Most importantly, it plays very differently without necessarily being less powerful than the go-to classes, giving the player more potential customization and play styles without any glaring power variance.
Hey, thanks for taking the time to read through all my posts and implement the changes; it was nice having someone to talk about the game with, and it'll be a lot more fun to replay down the road as well :-)!
Edit: Would just like to say that there is at least one more typo/error, though I doubt it's worth releasing a patch just for that. The Littorist class says that every single one of its attacks do 35.84 damage, including the charge shot. And at least Forgician still has the same typo in his crescent spell. Sometime in the future or when a bigger problem potentially pops up, you might just want to comb through all the spell descriptions and properties to make sure everything is alright there.
I'm also fairly positive that the "Earth Flinger" enemy that hangs from the ceiling is non-functional and has no attack, but that's a different story for a different day :-).