Ok, I've reached my first Overlord in the first continent. Up until this point it's been fairly easy, I've probably died half a dozen times, but had great fun. But I can't make any progress with the Overlord. For a start the area is level 11, while I'm still at level 5 obviously. But I managed to reach the Overlord's tower and room by sneaking by and running. But I don't stand a chance against the Overlord. First he's only sensitive to Entropy, which means I have to get in close to use miasma whip. Lightning works reasonably well from a distance, plinking away about 0.5% of his health each hit. Then he launched about 20 seeking fire bolts which last for quite a few seconds before they disperse. Getting caught in the midst of these is instant death (not exaggerating). So I went out and crafted a fire shield, plus I'm wearing a heat suit. No worries, I think. Um... actually no. The fire shield lasts for about 3 seconds before my mana runs out, and I can't cast a spell due to the mana drain. Plus it doesn't really absorb much damage from those homing fire bolts anyway. So it's basically useless.
And to make matters worse, every time I die and return the monster spawners rejuvenate themselves, and by the time I've dealt with those things I'm normally half-dead anyway. Especially as I have to spend the first 30 seconds getting rid of my previous vengeful spirit.
This is at Adept difficulty. The only way I can beat this thing is dial it right down to Featherweight, but I can't bring myself to do that, as it's as challenging as sneezing. But anything higher than that is pretty much instant death.
What am I doing horribly wrong? All the accounts I've read are that the overlord is a piece of cake. No way, not a chance. Or has the random number generator dealt me a really nasty one?