General Category > AVWW Multiplayer Discussion

Server: Hades

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Wanted to let you know, Khadgar, that I banned the four jerks that were on earlier. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to deal with them myself. I may have to give you admin rights or something so that if you're on and I'm not, you can take care of it, as those guys would've been instabooted by me if I was on by virtue of their names alone.

I was thinking to get a hold of you, Freykin, but they were pretty harmless, other than cluttering up the settlement with crates and causing a huge lagfest.

EDIT: Wait, four? I only saw three. Oh well. I guess it makes, sense: they bought the 4 pack on steam ;)

One of them didn't talk much but had a highly offensive name, so went ahead and cleared him out anyways.

They used a lot of language that I'm not willing to tolerate on my server, as they were pretty highly offensive in that regard.

I play a lot of League of Legends, and before that, DotA, so at this point, my tolerance for offensiveness from other gamers is pretty slim to none. There's just no reason for it, and all it does is hurt communities.

If it crops up again, let me know, and i'll give you admin access so that you can deal with ruffians if they show up while I'm not around.


--- Quote from: freykin on April 29, 2012, 01:51:54 am ---One of them didn't talk much but had a highly offensive name, so went ahead and cleared him out anyways.

They used a lot of language that I'm not willing to tolerate on my server, as they were pretty highly offensive in that regard.

I play a lot of League of Legends, and before that, DotA, so at this point, my tolerance for offensiveness from other gamers is pretty slim to none. There's just no reason for it, and all it does is hurt communities.

If it crops up again, let me know, and i'll give you admin access so that you can deal with ruffians if they show up while I'm not around.

--- End quote ---

+1.  Let's eat the stupid, Freykin!!!! :) 

A man's gotta EAT!


Good progress was made on this server over the past few days. After spending entirely too long on Continent 1, we made it to Continent 2! And with about 70 of the unlocks completed, we're almost fully... unlocked!

I think the origin settlement (which I renamed something inane) is permanently busted after a griefer attack, registering 5 less residents than actually live there. No matter, they still did their jobs are stonebinders and the like. Continent 2's settlement, which I think I named "Completely Worthless Settlement In The Middle Of Nowhere" is busy listing 0 residents also, at least until I glyph transferred each resident manually to get them to show up.

We only have 2 people active on here, Myself and Freykin, and while we're doing okay, it would be nice to have 1 or 2 more people.


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