General Category > AVWW Multiplayer Discussion

Linux-based Server

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--- Quote from: mrhanman on May 02, 2012, 01:58:58 pm ---Ah, that's unfortunate.  I suppose it isn't feasible to for you to build a dedicated server without Unity involved at all, right?  Just with whatever is required for the server to function?

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I wish, I dearly wish.

But no.


--- Quote from: Penumbra on May 03, 2012, 10:19:26 am ---
--- Quote from: Penumbra on May 02, 2012, 02:11:04 pm ---I ran it with "-batchmode" and I saw the process appear, but no window. It's Unity's "headless" mode. I just killed it after, but didn't test. Dang.

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Doesn't work.

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Judging by an earlier response from Chris, it uses the framerate to advance the world. No framerate = no world advancement.


--- Quote from: Toll on May 09, 2012, 04:14:32 pm ---Judging by an earlier response from Chris, it uses the framerate to advance the world. No framerate = no world advancement.

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Hmm.  I don't think it doesn't call Update() on the main camera object at all... but that's a possibility, I suppose.  Not sure how it could be used to do anything, then :)

I got one up using X and wine, you could always use virtualbox or some other VM if you don't want X on the main server.


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