Well, who here has played those old NES platformers - Metroid, Mario, Xexyz - I'm going to make some rooms relevant to those games, and more. I've got my NES here with me and in working order, and as I run through these games I think I'm going to roughly recreate any memorable or interesting rooms in the map editor. So far I have Ridley's Lair, Kraid's Lair, (two boss rooms), the Start point in Metroid, and a hallway from metroid (that are both Door10 hallways). Here they are - More to come probably tonight and over time, as well. As time goes on I may even include textures and stuff that fit the old games.
**Edit -> Screenshots to come
Kraid's Lair Overview
Ridley's Lair Overview
Metroid Start Point
Metroid Hallway
**New screenshots of a few hallways I just did, I'll upload the new bunch when I have more than just three! (Which should still be doable tonight)
Metroid's entrance to Norfair and the room to it's right (All my maps came out mirrored
). Norfair is the purple area, right after you get your first missile, for anyone who remembers Metroid.
The room where you get your first Missile in Metroid, abridged because it wouldn't fit
The first vertical climb in Metroid, infested with annoying little critters to knock you off the platform
**More Norfair!**
Norfair entrance room and immediate left
Continuation of Norfair Right
Continuation of Norfair Left
**All norfair parts so far are Door10 Hallways. Norfair pack is in 1.1**