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[MAP] Boss room: The Dark Tower (v0.3)
It's possible -- however, I think that there is actually some interest to having stuff walking around in things of this nature. The crippled dragon, for instance, could actually be located more near the top versus the bottom, and so on. I've been on the fence about the need to split up the maps by boss type, but for now I'm wanting to just see if we can make them all work in some fashion for any boss. I think you get more interesting scenarios that way, but it might not always be ideal.
--- Quote from: x4000 on October 13, 2011, 09:12:45 am ---It's possible -- however, I think that there is actually some interest to having stuff walking around in things of this nature. The crippled dragon, for instance, could actually be located more near the top versus the bottom, and so on. I've been on the fence about the need to split up the maps by boss type, but for now I'm wanting to just see if we can make them all work in some fashion for any boss. I think you get more interesting scenarios that way, but it might not always be ideal.
--- End quote ---
There's truth in that, for sure.
My worry was that it will end up homogenising maps somewhat, since they'll all need to try to be a best fit to prevent cheesable or broken-seeming scenarios.
But then I suppose that's just a matter of attitude towards those sorts of scenarios. In a game such as this - with an infinite number of boss fights in a vast number of variations even within the same room - one could simply build a map to be fun in many imagined situations (with little or no regard for how it might be broken in others) and inevitably spawn a number of fun situations not previously conceived.
In short: I agree for now!
Incidentally, I did just fight an amoeba stuck in the little hidey-hole area designed for the player to get a moment's respite. That was a remarkably easy fight to win. I'm debating if I should change the map slightly to compensate...
All good -- and I've run into fights like that in various boss rooms, too, where the amoeba is mostly trapped. I think it's... okay for now. ;)
I ran into that one too, and almost experienced my first death when I jumped down into the pit to deliver the final blow rather than wait for it to wonder back. I went from somewhat nicked to 9 hp in one volley. I think it should happen every so often as long as it isn't frequent.
Incidentally this is the dumbest thing I've done yet in the game. My previous closest brush with death was after diving past two equal level lightning espers through a door while at 75% health and taking up to six lightning balls to the face just as I went through only to emerge in the next room with 28 hp.
Slight update for more fun, hopefully!
(Let me know if you disagree!)
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