General Category > AVWW Mods & Maps

[MAP] Boss Room: Midsized room with a Ladder Bridge


This is my first map, so pardon for noobish design (I however think it's fun for Amoebas). It's a decently sized boss room that has a thin ladder bridge near the top for epic air battles!

To use, put it in your AVWW\RuntimeData\Logic\RoomMaps\GeneralBossRoom folder.

Nice! Thanks! How do you want me to give you credit? Aeronic?

That's pretty cool with the platform of top-solid ladders.  So you can run across there, but the enemy can still get you and shoot at you, too.  Very nice!

Yup, it's a nice idea for sure.

I'll be stealing it, I imagine!  :D

Glad you like the ladder bridge idea.

You can just credit me with Aeronic, thanks.


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