General Category > AVWW Mods & Maps

Can the Unity 3D 3.X.X and/or 4.X.X be used?


Pardon my persistence and curiosity, but I have a quick question. Can Unity 3D 3.X.X and/or 4.X.X be used to create mods for either A Valley Without Wind game?

I figured that it would be more polite to ask before taking any action. For the sake of openness, I had an idea for a mod for the first A Valley Without Wind. The purpose of this mod is to:

1.   To give resource gathering more of a purpose
2.   Give additional purpose to structures, NPCs
3.   Reduce some grind
4.   Easy early game tedium

This is to be an alternative to not a replacement of the missions and random stashes. The RNG can still screw over a player. I have made a preliminary flowchart.

Whats the extra I in RNG stand for, though? ;)


--- Quote from: Aklyon on June 13, 2013, 07:46:01 pm ---Whats the extra I in RNG stand for, though? ;)

--- End quote ---


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