General Category > AVWW Brainstorming

New ideas for Vengeful Ghosts

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--- Quote from: keith.lamothe on April 24, 2012, 02:34:47 pm ---If desired, we could give it a random chance of "spending" the ghost to cast a continent-wide debuff, too, basically the inverse of the guardian power buffs, but presumably players would just wait those out while invincible.

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Not if the debuff wasn't timed, but instead caused by a structure/mission on the continent. That would force the players to either deal or live with it.


--- Quote from: Penumbra on April 24, 2012, 02:37:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: keith.lamothe on April 24, 2012, 02:34:47 pm ---If desired, we could give it a random chance of "spending" the ghost to cast a continent-wide debuff, too, basically the inverse of the guardian power buffs, but presumably players would just wait those out while invincible.

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Not if the debuff wasn't timed, but instead caused by a structure/mission on the continent. That would force the players to either deal or live with it.

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Good point!

Martyn van Buren:
I'd really like to be able to deal with vengeful ghosts in a more peaceful way than a fireball to the face.  I like occasionally having to fight off someone I recognize as an old character but killing all of them is kinda weird.  Perhaps we could get a mission to lay them to rest?


--- Quote from: Martyn van Buren on April 24, 2012, 03:56:44 pm ---I'd really like to be able to deal with vengeful ghosts in a more peaceful way than a fireball to the face.  I like occasionally having to fight off someone I recognize as an old character but killing all of them is kinda weird.  Perhaps we could get a mission to lay them to rest?

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A way to make piece with them would be great! Like, they are tainted by the overlord and could be reintegrated into your settlement. Kinda like the "blue glowies" Jedi become.


--- Quote from: Martyn van Buren on April 24, 2012, 03:56:44 pm ---I'd really like to be able to deal with vengeful ghosts in a more peaceful way than a fireball to the face.  I like occasionally having to fight off someone I recognize as an old character but killing all of them is kinda weird.  Perhaps we could get a mission to lay them to rest?

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I agree with this. Maybe there could be different mission types depending on the hostility level of a ghost. Some ghosts may not necessarily be hostile and out to get you but are still unknowingly hurting the environment. (which is bad for you)

I just can't really understand why every ghost becomes vengeful. I guess I do understand that it's a punishment to the player and that makes perfect sense from a gameplay perspective......but in terms of this feeling like a real world with real characters it feels odd that death seems so narrow. It should be the opposite, a wide spectrum.

I like the idea of ghosts coming back to haunt you in different ways....not necessarily just the "I'm mad and I'm hitting you with purple miasma" way. Like a spirit that starts to follow you around draining your mana but you can't actually hurt them.....

Perhaps different spirit types could spawn depending on the element of the attack that killed them?


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