General Category > AVWW Brainstorming


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to clarify, I was playing on a 15" laptop screen so resolution is only 1280x800... but I dont see why that should be a problem. I was putting this marathon in during a long train journey. I didn't mean to sound harsh, if anything I just wanted to be helpful.

Also, I am a twitch gamer in the sense I have completed I wanna be the guy and play CS Source, Starseige Tribes, Starcraft, TA Spring and many other reflex driven games- I have no previous experience of platforming with mouse aimed attacks though, so my skill might not be as high as it could be.


--- Quote from: superking on December 01, 2011, 05:51:56 am ---to clarify, I was playing on a 15" laptop screen so resolution is only 1280x800... but I dont see why that should be a problem. I was putting this marathon in during a long train journey. I didn't mean to sound harsh, if anything I just wanted to be helpful.

Also, I am a twitch gamer in the sense I have completed I wanna be the guy and play CS Source, Starseige Tribes, Starcraft, TA Spring and many other reflex driven games- I have no previous experience of platforming with mouse aimed attacks though, so my skill might not be as high as it could be.

--- End quote ---

You completed I wanna be the guy? Nice! Keith and I were actually discussing that game recently while testing. I won't play it, watching an LP on it was enough to know it's not for me. But, nice job beating it.

That said, I won't speak for Chris, but, I didn't take what you said as harsh, just as you might have been a bit frustrated with the game. If players are frustrated by the game, we want to know.

As for the resolution question, Chris I think plays at 1920x1080, so wanting to know your resolution gives us an idea in terms of scales for things like the sniper shots coming from off screen.

I play on 1920x1080 and sniper shots nearly always come from off screen.  The first time I encountered them I had no idea what was happening.  They are also so fast that the only way to dodge them is to do so before they fire.  You cannot wait until you visually see them and still avoid them.


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