General Category > AVWW Brainstorming

Design Notes: Heavily Revamping The Macro Game

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Really really like the mission time.  I think that will be a very useful and fun system.

You guys are really parsing the feedback well and acting on it as well!

Glad it's a hit!

--- Quote from: Bluddy on November 30, 2011, 09:32:21 pm ---My only concern is with the multi-NPC battles and how they'll integrate with the rest of the stuff, but that's off in the future right now.

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Think of it kind of like a minigame, in some respects.  You go into this other screen and it plays out on a very boardgame-like board in a lot of respects.  However, things you've been doing to your NPCs and settlements via your actions in the larger game have an effect on their prowess here.  It's all highly connected in terms of planning, but in terms of the actual execution it's like a tactical minigame in the midst of the larger game.

--- Quote from: FallingStar on November 30, 2011, 09:51:18 pm ---I am a bit curious if the old idea of "Player is a jerk that NPC's hate" as a possible path is still a goal, or if that concept is more the self centered missions to grow the player instead of the civilization that are mentioned.  Or if that concept went away awhile back.  Just thinking it could make for some interesting twisted civilizations and missions over time, but that might be a ways off.
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I think that concept has been gradually fading, because so many things that make NPCs kind of unavoidable to your own personal survival make that fade a bit.  It hasn't been the focus, anyhow, because that's I guess one variable too many to try to design for lately.  But I have a sneaky suspicion that concept would show back up in some form, because I really like the idea of that.  Then again, like you say, the ability to focus on Self vs Others in the side missions you select really does allow for a bit of this sort of flavor, just not all-out jerk-hood. ;)

--- Quote from: TNSe on December 01, 2011, 08:57:38 am ---You guys are really parsing the feedback well and acting on it as well!

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And we appreciate all the feedback and ideas!  This is exactly why we do public betas.  Figuring out this stuff in isolation would at best take vastly longer, and more likely we wouldn't come to the same conclusions at all, and then people/press would complain about this stuff after release.  I much prefer hearing about stuff earlier, when we can actually do something about it, heh.


--- Quote from: Bluddy on November 30, 2011, 09:32:21 pm ---My only concern is with the multi-NPC battles and how they'll integrate with the rest of the stuff, but that's off in the future right now.

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Yea, as Chris said it's not really intended to tightly integrate with the rest of the game.  The strategy and city stuff wasn't intended to do so either, though more than it is currently.  One of the things we've been going for with AVWW is to have a cohesive world that you can experience multiple forms of gameplay (genres, even) within and all has an impact on that world, but not every form of gameplay has to be tightly coupled to every other form of gameplay in the game.  Of course, player feedback has reflected a sort of bafflement with that whole concept which may simply be because it's not at all common in game design, or it may just be because it's not fun in which case the whole macrogame core-design-goal may need to be removed or at least downplayed.  But I'm thinking it will work out :)

Gallant Dragon:
Now this sounds more like the AVWW that I had envisioned when it was announced!


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