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Brainstorming Temporary/Volatile Per-Character Stacked Bonuses

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This bonus system, together with the team idea from the other thread, gave me another idea: maybe you'd want to retire your character early and in a sense 'save' that character and its bonuses into a pool of characters. That character would then wander the world and have a chance of doing different things. When up against a really tough enemy that requires a certain strategy that matches the bonuses your one-time character had, you could choose to enter the body of that character again. You'd build up a cache of characters, each ready for different strategies.

The system I talked about could certainly have other buffs, I just used those two for the sake of simplicity.


--- Quote from: Hearteater on November 30, 2011, 03:37:36 pm ---See here Chris: I have a day job.  So when you throw out such interesting topics to brainstorm on, I find it significantly more difficult to concentrate at work.  I'll chime in here when I can.  But know just thinking about this thread alone will probably cost me like 5% of my productivity.

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Sorry about that. ;)

--- Quote from: Bluddy on November 30, 2011, 05:41:44 pm ---This bonus system, together with the team idea from the other thread, gave me another idea: maybe you'd want to retire your character early and in a sense 'save' that character and its bonuses into a pool of characters. That character would then wander the world and have a chance of doing different things. When up against a really tough enemy that requires a certain strategy that matches the bonuses your one-time character had, you could choose to enter the body of that character again. You'd build up a cache of characters, each ready for different strategies.

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Actually, you can already do this in some fashions with the Transfer Glyph spell scroll.

--- Quote from: FallingStar on November 30, 2011, 05:18:35 pm ---IE you could pick one overall goals (set in stone at character choice, or perhaps alterable at a shrine): "I want to become the most powerful,"  "I wish to heal the lands," "I desire mastery over my glyph," or whatever.  Then its sort of like an automated perk system based on your overall character goal.  Randomly giving you perks from a pool based on your goal, new perks granted based on certain actions taken (ie saving settlement, killing bosses or whatever) or perhaps on monster drops.

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I like this a lot!  Actually, it could be a literal "Personality" or something similar that is randomly set on the characters you have to choose from when you are selecting a new character (or when you are transferring a glyph to a new character, too.  The idea being that whatever little "pieces of buff" you're picking up are going into predetermined benefits based on your personality/class/whatever, rather than being something you have to keep choosing over time.

Another way to handle that would be via enchants.  Normally your "accumulated power" or whatever would just buff your health, but via enchants you could set it so that any characters you had would accumulate power that did other things instead.  Of course, having a character die or swapping out the enchant on your glyph would start you back over on the accumulated power, but still. 

And I actually would put a hard cap on the accumulated power value, I think, just so that there wouldn't be this incentive to NEVER swap out your enchant if it was done that way (and so that people wouldn't be defacto save scumming because they had 100 hours in on this character that was now 10% more powerful instead of the normal 8% that they could get after 2 hours (or whatever it would be on real numbers, of course).  Some people really would not want to let go of that prestigious extra 2%, or even 0.5%, so there has to be a pretty finite cap that you can reasonably hit within some smallish amount of time.  Probably. ;)

Martyn van Buren:
I am also very much in favor of Fallingstar's idea about personalities --- that said, it seems like you would want to be able to add minor goals or switch every once in a while, so that when a character does survive ten levels (missions?) he isn't an awesome jumper but not commensurately good at anything else.s


--- Quote from: x4000 on November 30, 2011, 06:39:44 pm ---And I actually would put a hard cap on the accumulated power value, I think, just so that there wouldn't be this incentive to NEVER swap out your enchant if it was done that way (and so that people wouldn't be defacto save scumming because they had 100 hours in on this character that was now 10% more powerful instead of the normal 8% that they could get after 2 hours (or whatever it would be on real numbers, of course).  Some people really would not want to let go of that prestigious extra 2%, or even 0.5%, so there has to be a pretty finite cap that you can reasonably hit within some smallish amount of time.  Probably. ;)

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If you did that, me, and a whole bunch of other people would mindlessly send zombies against the horde to defeat bosses (the current system). The cap has to be soft, but make the returns diminishing or make them become more rare; diminishing will probably be more effective over the long-term, as you will always be getting a bonus, but it will slowly become less and less effective. Save-scumming will still happen to some extent (as it does in any permadeath-with-bite system), but if you keep the bonuses not overpowering, and/or based around creating convenience, then you'll minimize it well. A character with 400 mission may still incur save-scumming, but if you cap it to where it only takes a few hours to get back to max, then there's not much reason to keep characters around.


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