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Brainstorming Permadeath: Making Death Significant But Not Annoying

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With the high availability of shards and the new shop it seems like we could do more punitive things with enchantments. What if there was a percentage chance that a player's enchantments could be permanently destroyed? This would make exploring with your rare enchantment character nerve-wracking and could make the use of glyph transfer scrolls useful again. The percentage chance of loss should be fairly low, say 5%, but the fact that it could happen at all should leave most players on edge.

Making it easyer to re-name them would make it easyer to get more attached.

I think the problems gotten worse now that upgrade stones are something you never run out of normally. There would have to be some intrinsic advantage a long term charcter has over a new one to make them worth while.  Upgrade stones no-longer do that (Which I'm not too disapointed about after finding myself grinding a few times)

Hmmm. Have you considered maybe having a selection of unique spells (or just buffed versions of current spells), that a character can only have one of, and is randomly assigned to your potential choices? This would each character unique, make death feared (as there's no guarentee you'll find another character with the same buff) and shape play style.

Alternatively (or in addition to), each character could be random in their:
> Unique spells/ buffed versions
> Unique gameplay stats (e.g. jumping, detection)
> Resistances (e.g. to certain spell elements/melee)
> Other random effects (e.g. automatically be able to breathe underwater, resistant to wind storms etc.)

Just some thoughts  ;D

What would make me care more about a character's death without mechanical impact? More customization. Give me ways to customize the name more easily. Give me a way to establish more of a background. Maybe even get married and start a family or something. People still gotta do that, especially in Neo-Postapocalyptia. More appearance options.

Hell, give us vanity costumes that we can put on that could get lost if we die. You can buy them in the new store or something.


--- Quote from: Remliel on May 10, 2012, 08:01:43 pm ---What would make me care more about a character's death without mechanical impact? More customization. Give me ways to customize the name more easily. Give me a way to establish more of a background. Maybe even get married and start a family or something. People still gotta do that, especially in Neo-Postapocalyptia. More appearance options.

Hell, give us vanity costumes that we can put on that could get lost if we die. You can buy them in the new store or something.

--- End quote ---

The family stuff for the NPCs is a possiblity, but not in the near future. There's just too much involved in that to make it happen anytime soon.

As for the costumes and such, this is pretty much impossible with the way the art is done in the game. We would basically have to have a completely new character for every single costume combination available.


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