About to click play, so excited...
Main menu is about what I expect of Arcen: Cheesy logo, questionable interface, music that I'm completely in love with two bars in. Gonna sit here and listen for a bit before I click start. Wow this is badass.
No options menu yet, it seems... which I totally understand, although I can't help but wonder if the menu buttons being directly on top of the AI War logo, instead of in the plethora of empty space below it, is evidence of the early alpha state, or evidence of something bugged on my end.
Galaxy looks AWESOME. Controls like I expect (middle click and drag makes sense), except no center-scrolling-on-mouse, which I hope will be returning. Scroll speed is too low, but that's to be expected for my twitchy self what with the lack of options. Holy CRAP the lobby music is amazing also!
...Oops. Cycling galaxy types a couple times caused the menu to disappear. Time for a reboot...
Selecting a starting planet is intuitive enough, although if you zoom out a bit it tends to be very picky about clicking ~exactly~ on the planet. Oh... can I see planet marks when I am picking my starting planet? Interesting. I kinda hope that "hide unexplored planets" will make a return eventually, on that note.
I select a mark I named "Easely" and click start.
And I have a fleet! And it's already winning its first fight. Oh hey I can fullscreen... oh NOPE, gui doesn't resize yet, nevermind.
Love the forcefield graphics, very intuitive.
Do not like the wormhole graphics. Tiny, hard to tell what they are, nothing about that says "wormhole" to me. It says "green marble with a name".
Combination of slow scroll speed + no center scroll to mouse means I am playing on max zoom out all the time.
Some fighting with the UI ensues, wherein I cannot figure out how to attack a warp gate or build a space dock...
Well, undaunted by my inability to capture that planet, I shall head to another planet!
Hm... wormholes are always exactly in relation to the planet map. Pro: Easier to read. Con: More predictable. Unsure how I feel.
Eep. Note to self: Turn FRD off when moving your entire fleet to an enemy world... too used to that being automatic, I suppose.
I see how it is, Keith. "Very early alpha", but the AI already knows how to kite better than it did in the first game. This does not bode well for my survival.
Does everything currently move at the same speed? This seem much more ponderous compared to the first game... then again, I did always play on the highest speed setting... Anyway, drove the AI off a second planet... healed up... rebuilt... still can't kill the controller or warp gate. Ah, well. Next planet is a Mark 4, that should be fun!
Fleet groups are MUCH less readable than the first game. Everything kinda devolves into a blob of neon color that is impossible to pick ships out of; lack of borders on the ship symbols really hurts there. In the first game you could pick out the silhouettes of at least 30-40% of even a very large fleet. Here even with the starting fleet it all blurs together and I couldn't tell you what ANY of the ships in the fleet are. Slightly more readable when the fleet is not selected - the overlapped selection circles are a big culprit on killing readability. But even then I can only pick out maybe 10% of the fleet.
...Well, I think we'll wrap this up here, no need to talk about how my brave and daring excursion onto a Mark 4 planet went, I'm sure my troops carried the day in a heroic fashion... >.>