Author Topic: Some Feedback.  (Read 1751 times)

Offline Ranakastrasz

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Some Feedback.
« on: October 23, 2019, 05:11:48 pm »
Edit: Going to post all of the Bug reports, Ideas, and otherwise to Mantis. Going to make a new Post for actual Questions.

So I tried this out, and have some feedback and questions.


Parasite inflicting ships. Also Metabolizing Ships (I think)
They have a "Large number" of parasite damage they do, and the tooltip claims it needs 10k damage to parasite the target. Given the parasite Citadel dealt something like 450k or 4.5million or something, and upgrades boosted that damage, I have to wonder if the tooltip is extremely wrong, the mechanic splashes, or if it actually does that amount of wasted overkill, with damage upgrade for no reason.

Elemental Ships. As in, there seem to be a number of ships that essentially have "Elemental" modifiers on them, like adding cloaking, or fusion, or parasite. Not a bad idea, but I was wondering if this was actually the case.
That said, in a lot of cases, these seem to be pure upgrades, instead of sidegrades. Is this intended? I obtained a parasitic, Fusion capabile Frigate, and another of the same type, but it was also cloaked. Both had identicle stats, same metal cost, but one was cloaked.


Ship attack radius, max shield radius, repair/build radius, etc.
Probably just not yet implemented, but these would be useful. And unless its another wasted overkill, knowing the claim range for commander centers to grab new flagships would be useful.

Zombie Ships.
Zombie ships appear to have replaced old parasite mechanic, which is nifty. That said, they should say Zombie Faction, and details on a zombie faction should exist. Or else add a status modifier like for slow or stun or weapon jam or so on.

Drone Ships.
I think you can't control them? There was no detail on how they worked. so I think they are just cheap, immediately zombie-like ships. Tooltip should say so.

Spawning ships. (Hydra, presumably others)
These ships should have a C-Menu (Subship detail menu, or whatever it was called), or a secondary tooltip below it, giving details on it's OWN subships. For obvious reasons, this should be recursive as well, because there is nothing quite as fun as a 7 layer hydra.... Or something else like that.

Shields - Tooltip doesn't say the 50% damage malus, although it shows up on ships underneith, so its not a huge deal.

Currently, appears to only let you hotkey a flagship. Past that, having ships respawn at said flagship makes it kinda nice to have one with you. However, I might want to grab, say, all fusion bombers on a planet, or intercepter-ish, or shield bearers, or whatever, and it would be nice to be able to customize this.

I could organize this with one of the extra 9 flagships, but I would still end up with a random flagship dragged along for the ride. Plus an experience penalty, which seems important.

Pursuit/FRD. Melee ships. Melee ships, in the original, had that 5k or w.e. seeking range, because melee. The lack of that here is a problem, largely because of the fleet organization issue. Unless you put them in a seperate fleet, you have to FRD the whole fleet. And even then, you might not want your melee ships to leave their local area.


One other issue showed up.
Power consumption continues if you put a ship into disabled mode. This is kinda understandable, although I wish I could "Mothball" ships, disabling them, but requiring like 60+ seconds to reactivate for that, if the 20% power consumption of AIWar1 isn't going to come back.

More importantly however, Structure corpses still consume energy. This, plus the lack of ability to stop remains rebuilding without scrapping them all, was kinda annoying. I only have myself to blame for being swept out of the galaxy though....
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 10:32:45 pm by Ranakastrasz »

Offline kmunoz

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Re: Some Feedback.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2019, 09:46:07 pm »
However, I might want to grab, say, all fusion bombers on a planet, or intercepter-ish, or shield bearers, or whatever, and it would be nice to be able to customize this.

For this the easiest way is to double-click on one of them, and that selects all of them. Being able to set hotkeys at a finer grain than flagships is unlikely to be something that gets added.

Offline Ranakastrasz

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Re: Some Feedback.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2019, 10:05:00 pm »
Yea, I've been doing that. Unfortunately it has two issues. One, I have to find at least one of them. Minor enough, but annoying.
Second, and more importantly, there are also Heavy Bombers (Slower, Double armor/shield), and various Frigates and other stuff which I would put into a bomber squad. Essentially, Bomber + Space Tank + Bomber Starship in Ai wars I. And Zenith siege engine? Probably other stuff I can't recall, but it was an important organization thingy.

On the other hand, Having several fleets, with only vague roles, along with the ridiculous mobility transport flagships provide, does help in dividing your fleet up into smaller chunks quickly and easily. So it's not like its all bad. Just that it's harder to get all the local ships with certain traits, and send them on a priority mission.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 12:15:14 am by Ranakastrasz »