Author Topic: Some Feedback  (Read 2649 times)

Offline Burnstreet

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Some Feedback
« on: September 29, 2017, 06:24:48 pm »
Got to play a bit again yesterday and today and got some feedback for you
  • The graphics look good. However the minimal zoom level is still so far away that smaller units are nearly invisible and even the bigger ones are hidden behind their symbols. from what I have seen of the models, that is a pity.
  • I find the menu to be very confusing. especially when the planet menu is active.
  • I have a devourer golem in my game that after 5 minutes is already down to 46%
  • combat seems random - i have lost on a t1 start planet and killed a t3 start planet. I dont remember the strength though
  • I've got raptors against me. Should it be that they can shoot while cloaked?
  • the devourer seems to have eaten at least one of the sensor blockers - good for me
  • I find myself building the basic turret pattern and then wanting to build a starship builder or similar and having no energy left. have to adapt to them needing that much power

Offline tadrinth

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Re: Some Feedback
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 03:44:50 pm »
Ships can now shoot while cloaked.  They have a cloak bar, though, which gets consumed by shooting and by cloak-detecting units.