Hi folks, old and new!
I've just finished a 9h30 "quick and easy vanilla game", and I though I would walk by the forum on my way back. Overall, I'm quite happy with where the game currently is. Let's discuss the details, shall we?
GraphismThe game looks nice. It lacks some polish, sure, but nothing awry for an early access. On a personal note, I'm not seduced by the 3D. It's fancy, but I'm not one to seek that in my games. I like Dwarf Fortress; AI War Classic's 2D style was fine for me. The gameplay is spatially bidimentional and the level at which position matters is between galactic and planetary. When you see the units, you can't meaningfully interact with the gameplay (get meaningful information or give orders). The nice little 3D models of the ships and the gameplay are in two completely separated segments of the game. You can't have both at the same time. I don't know if I'm clear, here. Anyway, AIW Classic had the same problem, but at least it wasn't a central point of the game. Here, I feel like Blue's hard work is hidden far away from the gameplay. Sad.
SquadsWhich brings me to the squads topic. At "gameplay zoom", squads have no relevance. As I worried during the kickstarter campaign, "units" could be one ship, it wouldn't change anything. And I believe it even adds unnecessary noise: there are ships, squads of N ships, but what is build and controlled is a squad, but the damage and health and stuff displayed are for one ship (Right? Heck, I'm not even sure!), but the unit-cap is for squads, but starships are squads of one... Ugh.
The argument I remember from during the kickstarter was "It would allow us to have hundred of thousands of ships without overloading the game engine". Yep, but if a squad behave like a lone ship, then it's just cosmetic. I'm ok with cosmetic. But here, I feel it's noise for no gain. Anyway, change it or not, it doesn't affect gameplay (save that little ship/squad noise) and
I couldn't care less.
MarkNew tech panel is great. (New hacking panel too.) Having all units concerned by a research level-up together (essentially getting rid of low-mark units, compared to AIWC) is a neat improvement. I wouldn't have believed it on paper, but I like that change.
Bonuses and the Fleetball problemI remember reading something about that in the
Pivoting AI War 2 article, and I felt it. Currently, it's okay to just pack your fleet in one blob and steamroll your targets. In AIWC, what hugely encouraged you to do so was the bonus/hull-type mechanic. I loved that, while other games may give some +50% bonus to this or that, AIW went up to making x4-x6 bonuses a common thing! You really had to choose your units to assault one big target (usually a guard post).
Here, there are many little weird bonuses. Albedo? Mass? Eh... Also personal shields? I really loved the old bonus/hull system. It wasn't perfect, but at least it was clear. (Or was it?) I had grand ideas for that (
see). I'm ok with getting rid of these admittedly weird hull/ammo/bonus, but they need to be replaced with something. My main critic of the new bonuses is twofold. They are more cryptic. They are not loud enough.
I wanted to merge the old armor/armor-piercing in that hull/ammo revamp for clarity and coherence. I feel like personal shield is adding even more noise.
I advocate for a central, unified system for damage bonuses.
Alternatively, speed, range, endurance and damage are huge tools for differentiating ships. In my vanilla game, the raptors were rarely in the fleetball: their huge speed put them aside, making them much more adequate for raid missions. Similarly, very-long or infinite range units are automatically set aside of the fleetball to not risk them in close combat.
There are ways to avoid the fleetball problem. A hull/ammo system is only one.
Parting wordsAnyway, I hope I'll find time to try to mod my grand hull/ammo scheme.
Also, I'm interested to head Chris on that topic. Is it still a work-in-progress part or are you more willing to refine the current system rather than changing it completely?
Don't let my criticisms muddy the whole picture. I love that game. I'm glad it became closer to the original over the course of its alpha period.