If only blizzard would make AI war 2...
Sure, if you want a game that is AI War 2 in title only.
I wrote an Email to arcen about this. It's about polish.
Take hearthstone for example. I think the team wasn't that big, like 10 or 15 ppl? So basically it's compareable to an indie title. I am just saying that they spent so much time into polish and accesibility.
There are even tons of very very polished indie titles. Arcen isn't one who brings out polished games - thats ok, they give you he "rough cut". But you can't expect to hit a 300k kickstarter with rough games for a very very small market. You will have to go more mass market.
I doubt that it would be a different game. If you tasked Blizzard with reimplementing AI war and give them the task to add most mechanics, it would be a very similar game. But I can tell you, the units descriptions would be alot shorter, the ui would be coherent and there would be a different learning curve. I even bet that there would be tons of less options and units... But in the end, it would be just as hard to beat the ai - but less hard to learn the game.
That's a bit harsh there.
If language support is easy, then many games would have it.
Many games do not have it, therefore, to consider it easy, is mistaken.
Strategy games are very hard in this respect, because of the amount of text. Worse yet, it is the continual revising of the text, or replacement of entire ways of saying something.
Tbh, I don't know of any release on Steam recetly who has no german translation in the top 10. Transport Fever, Battlerite, Master of Orion - they all have it. Sure, if you are a very very small indie dev and are producing a very specialised product, it's not worth it. But if you want to sell more than 1000 copies, better get your game a translation if possible.
I'll give you an example from Starward Rogue.
How would you say:
- This attachment provides a 10% increase in the base damage dealt by the player, and is summed additively with other damage increasing effects.
- This attachment provides a 10% increase on the total damage of missile attacks dealt by the player, and is multiplicative with other damage increasing effects.
- This attachment provides a 50% increase in the rate of fire of all weapon systems, which is reduces the reload rate by 50%. It is matched with a damage multiplier that multiplicatively reduces damage by 50% to cause Damage per Second to stay constant. After which, there is an increase of 10% of base damage dealt by the player.
If you have a mechanics like this, I would delete it and replace it with something that makes sense. Even 90% of the english speakers can't understand this on the first readthrough. This reminds me of the effects on classic dota where nobody but the hardcore experts had a clue how wepons stack.
You could simply replace it with 10% more damage dealt, 10% more missile damage and 50% more damage dealt and 50% reload time reduce.
The way the texts are written is just clunky, overcomplex and irritating.