It's been a long stated goal to reduce the clutter and increase the clarity. Even the sample tooltips shown (they are on the KS page) are a lot leaner than the tips form Classic.
Hum... yes.... but... Are you really speaking about the point I was trying to make ? Are we seeing the same tooltips ? My point is that it's all text ! I agree that the proposed presentation is leaner than the old one, but it's completely irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make. For example, the heavy beam cannon that's proeminently shown on the KS page. There's is not even a single icon on it, except if you want to call the explanation mark an icon. And, a lot of the reduced clutter amounts to the new "objects" having less properties than the old one. Not UI changes.
A large amount of text could be cut from this window:
=> health, attack, range, reload, power, build time, ship cap, engine health => All should be icons, with advanced longer description in a pop-up when howering. And, by the way, an hover-up description of each stat is kind of mandatory if you want the UI to be labelled as good.
=> title: "player" mention should be replaced by an icon representing the player.
=> The icon that represents the unit should be in this window. Also, the title of the pop-up should picture the unit icon.
=> requires supply: an icon for this should be enough. Also, I'd propose to use an icon to represent supply when present on a planet / on the main galaxy map.
=> Click to expand: a single "+" icon on a corner is enough to convey the same idea.
=> Description should be shorter there, 10 words at most. If a unit can't be explained in 10 words, then the user can click on the + icon referenced above, which will display advanced (longer) description.
Applying similar ideas to the whole game would increase clarity and reduce text amount by a lot. On a side note, even if you don't remove the text part, icons should be added. Removing text / adding more icons will increase accessibility by foreign readers.