In general, yes, we're going for fewer units, etc.
As to the whole translations issue and things getting out of date:
1. I'm sorry that offends you, and that's not meant to be an insult or anything.
2. Huge numbers of indie games can afford a translation to a lot of languages since they have a few thousand words in them at most. The original AI War, circa 3.0, had about 35 thousand words. The German and Russian translators were kind of agog at it, and the publishers we were working with in those markets were really going "oh no," sort of thing.
3. For some of the companies that are larger and working with Paradox or similar, I believe they have in-house translators, so it's no biggie. If a unit is added or repurposed, or a tutorial needs tuning, or whatever else, then just call up Jan and get him to make the adjustments for German, and then someone else for Russian, Italian, Spanish, and maybe that's it. For us the quotes we have had from translation companies (and we literally have been approached by multiple dozen over the years) have been astronomical. Worst part is, the last translation of AI War was so bad that our German fans actually had to work together and fix it; this was not a company we hired, but rather the one hired by the German publisher we were working with for local game stores.
4. I know that the German market is huge, and a huge number of our players are from Germany actually. We always go out of our way to make our games translate-able, in that we have everything pulled out into separate xml files and so forth so that translations can be done with ease. But actually having someone who is sufficiently bilingual and sufficiently versed in the game, and available on an ongoing basis, is hard. The localization services really stink. And while I do have a number of German friends (I was last over in your country in 2014 and can't wait to be back; it's my favorite place to visit), they are not exactly strategy gamers or translators, and it does make a difference.
Anyway, the point is that it's complex, it's overwhelmed us in the past, we've tried it before and it has failed to lead to anything substantially useful, and I wish that wasn't the case. We may be able to overcome that in the future, but pointing to an indie with a game with 2k of unchanging text and comparing it to an ever-evolving game with tens of thousands of words of text is very much apples and oranges.