1. I've added a Planned Pricing section that notes that the EA price will be higher than the 1.0 price. Special thanks to chemical_art for particularly inspiring this.
2. This then let me insert new $25 and and $30 tiers, and bump the previous $35 tier to $40, and what was $45 back to $50 where it was before today.
3. What was $60 is now $65, and then what was $70 is now $80.
4. I renamed a lot of the mark tiers since now we have more of these gradations, and the topmost levels are no longer mark levels at all, but instead are alien race names. Spire are the top two, and then Zenith below that for now. Seems fitting, and better than just keeping the mark levels going up.
Overall there are more midlevel options for backing now (in the under-$50 range), and the most attractive basic option is 25/30 instead of 15/20, which is probably a Big Deal in terms of the number of backers we'd need for this to happen.