Definitely. They will be all over that within 10 years, plus or plus 5 years.
I'm glad you got it working, though!
Whilst I'm no Unity expert, it is quite obvious that some of their tooling needs work. I suspect bug fixing at unity mainly focuses more on the engine rather than tooling stupidity, but gee I would have thought they'd have worked on a decent parser to process for something as critical as the package manager elements.
Not too worry, I'm just glad I can start tinkering with modding the UI.
FWIW the original issue I managed to fix (see attached). Turns out I actually didn't need unity for that bit, and just needed to customise KDL_UIWindows.xml that's associated with the log element to remove it from custom lobby map screen, which looks a lot better now. I know this should go in a mods file, but I though it would be good for others to know where its located and how I resolved it.
Fingers crossed next weekend I can go a little deeper.
Again thanks for your help.