Author Topic: Interplanetary Guns!  (Read 8677 times)

Offline Atepa

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2016, 07:23:08 am »
"Stand by, ion!" would be a great player taunt, come to think of it. :)

Imagine the sound from the death star powering up from the first movie.
Strange, I don't remember the Death Star being in the first movie. I swear it didn't show up till Episode 4.
*snickers*  Oh no you didn't... it's hard enough to get people to accept the I-III exist still, heh.

and technically the first time we see it is in Episode II on genosis but that's just in holographic form.

Offline x4000

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2016, 09:42:08 am »
"Stand by, ion!" would be a great player taunt, come to think of it. :)

Imagine the sound from the death star powering up from the first movie.
Strange, I don't remember the Death Star being in the first movie. I swear it didn't show up till Episode 4.

I was quite confused for a moment there.
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Offline Dominus Arbitrationis

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2016, 11:18:42 am »
I mean the first movie had Jar-Jar, who could annoy planets to death, so what's the difference? :P
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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2016, 01:34:08 pm »
I mean the first movie had Jar-Jar, who could annoy planets to death, so what's the difference? :P

I prefer to think he is ultimate Sith lord
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Offline Atepa

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2016, 02:37:45 pm »
I prefer to think he is ultimate Sith lord

I've seen the fan theories on those... it's pretty convincing in some cases. lol

Offline x4000

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2016, 03:50:40 pm »
I mean the first movie had Jar-Jar, who could annoy planets to death, so what's the difference? :P

I prefer to think he is ultimate Sith lord

YES.  Oh man that is perhaps the only conspiracy theory I buy into.  It just makes too much sense on all levels.  The parallels with Yoda, the drunken boxing fighting style, the randomness of the arrival of Count Dooku (sp?), some of the specific scenes where he moves impossibly fast and it doesn't seem to be a continuity error because of where the enemy soldiers are looking and firing... and on and on.  How instrumental he was regarding Palpatine's rise.  Various things Lucas said over the years in an indirect fashion.

It also really makes sense that Lucas would back down from having him be the ultimate Sith lord after he was so hated.  I mean, I can see the logic there.  That would have been a big turnaround, though, in my opinion: if Jar Jar suddenly did his voice differently like the difference between "early Kermit Yoda" when Luke first meets him, versus how he speaks later on when he's acting as a Jedi master.

Talk about a missed opportunity.  But I am glad we have Snoke instead of Darth Jar Jar... I think.  Verdict is still out on that one. ;)
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Offline Vyndicu

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2016, 05:19:40 pm »
Are we talking about the same jar jar binks that electric shocked himself on the pod racer coupling?!

I went and look at some of the pictures and they look weird!

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2016, 05:37:33 pm »
It also really makes sense that Lucas would back down from having him be the ultimate Sith lord after he was so hated. 

That doesn't seem like a reason to back down. That's working as intended.

The problem with all these theories is that they require Lucas to have been planning something genius and then back off because of fan criticism based on the cover of the character... aka: working as intended. It's overly complicated and assumes far too much, especially when we know that Lucas' ex-wife was the brains behind a lot of the best stuff in the originals. By the prequels, there was nobody who could tell Lucas "no".

"Incompetence" is a much more likely explanation, as much as people might prefer some ingenious fan theory that redeems the whole thing.

Offline Draco18s

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2016, 05:44:14 pm »
Are we talking about the same jar jar binks that electric shocked himself on the pod racer coupling?!

Here's the original reddit post.

Offline x4000

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Re: Interplanetary Guns!
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2016, 10:16:41 am »
It also really makes sense that Lucas would back down from having him be the ultimate Sith lord after he was so hated. 

That doesn't seem like a reason to back down. That's working as intended.

The problem with all these theories is that they require Lucas to have been planning something genius and then back off because of fan criticism based on the cover of the character... aka: working as intended. It's overly complicated and assumes far too much, especially when we know that Lucas' ex-wife was the brains behind a lot of the best stuff in the originals. By the prequels, there was nobody who could tell Lucas "no".

"Incompetence" is a much more likely explanation, as much as people might prefer some ingenious fan theory that redeems the whole thing.

Yep, this is very very true.  It's the one piece that really does shoot holes in a lot of it.

In the event that it is just coincidences, though, it's really an amazing number of them.  Honestly I don't know what to believe with this one.

Are we talking about the same jar jar binks that electric shocked himself on the pod racer coupling?!

But was it on purpose... dun dun dun... ;)  That reddit post Draco18s posted I think actually addresses that specific thing.
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