Author Topic: Back to the game after a long time; some concerns and complaints  (Read 3478 times)

Offline TechSY730

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Back to the game after a long time; some concerns and complaints
« on: December 18, 2018, 11:19:36 pm »
Looks like the game is coming along nicely since I played last (a few months ago).

Things I like:
  • Each unit gets a personal shield generator, rewards keeping ships alive and forgives small amounts of damage, as well as giving more purpose to shield bypass abilities
  • No more explicit hard counters. Counters now arise more naturally through the interaction of analogue stats (even though the cutoffs are absolute) and bonuses keyed off of them
But I noticed a few things I have concerns about and some complaints:
  • You can't see ship stats and descriptions when creating a game, making it really tricky to make a good choice of starting ship (based on your blurb on the game making mode, it seems you have a lot you want to do here anyways)
  • Tooltips often get glitchy when creating a game
  • Something really useful from Classic is the rally point building, since you can't give orders to move to a specific point on one planet when the selected ships are on another planet. Any plans for something like this to come back?
  • Something I learned from another game I play is that personal shield bypass (like fusion reaction of the standard bombers) contributes nothing unless you kill the hull before the shields are down. Is this intentional to discourage "death balling" bombers mixed with other ship types?
  • Ships built from a dock don't inherit the mode (pursuit, attack-move, etc) from their builder, meaning you can't automate creation of ships in pursuit mode, which is a little annoying for defense
  • The default primary color for the human resistance fighters is very hard to see against the tool-tip background

Despite my list of issues, it seems the game is coming along great. It will be great to see it complete. :)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 11:21:57 pm by TechSY730 »

Offline RocketAssistedPuffin

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Re: Back to the game after a long time; some concerns and complaints
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 06:51:24 pm »
Hi, so I'm one of the volunteers on the game, though my role is somewhat limited to...mostly the balance side of things. I can answer two of these however.

Something I learned from another game I play is that personal shield bypass (like fusion reaction of the standard bombers) contributes nothing unless you kill the hull before the shields are down. Is this intentional to discourage "death balling" bombers mixed with other ship types?

I don't believe it was intentional for this, no. The bit about contributing nothing is very true, I had that realisation a while ago and did some changes to a lot of structures and the Bombers themselves to work better with it. They are in my experience however, a unit that does do better if controlled separately and specifically to make use of that ability, so in a way I suppose they do unintentionally discourage deathballing.

The default primary color for the human resistance fighters is very hard to see against the tool-tip background

Any particular colour come to mind that works for you? Mentioning a specific one that's good would be appreciated, as I am a bit colourblind and might pick a horrific one, but not required.
Autistic, so apologies for any communication difficulties!