Hey folks,
I'll keep this brief. The TLDR is that I have too much to do right now, and I'm trying to balance all that. Tutorials are a critical component for the game, but something I'm struggling with mightily.
I made the tutorials for the first AI War, but I don't want to do something so lengthy this time, and I don't feel confident in my ability to judge what people can pick up from tooltips and context versus what they need to be taught in an explicit tutorial.
I have no problem developing the new tutorial SYSTEM, which will power any user-created tutorials or scenarios people care to make. But the idea of using that system to actually create a tutorial of my own just fills me with this feeling of dread, and that whatever I do won't be good enough as well as being a huge time sink in terms of designing it and testing it and responding to testing feedback.
In an ideal world, if there are interested folks I'd love for this to be a group effort. If there are people who want to just outline small tutorials of their own, with what's on each planet, what the goals and text are at each stage, and so on, then that is something I could turn into actual tutorials. Having other people then test and kind of debug the flow and clarity of those experiences would be good.
I don't really have a desire for one giant monolithic tutorial. Our system now allows for any number of them, with them even being able to be categorized. So some of these could just be a situation focused on a particular advanced topic, or some minor faction. These don't need to be five hour affairs to play, and in fact I think it's better if they're not.
I think for some of them it might actually be fun if they were like challenge scenarios that do teach you but are also hard to win. For new players, those might be interesting bite sized things to jump on at first.
I can build the engine for all this, and all it will take is xml work (no coding) for anyone to make a tutorial after that. But beyond that I'd like to focus on bug fixes, game flow, control improvements, finishing graphical things, and a list of other stuff.
This is oddly both my top priority (tutorials) and the thing I desperately don't want to work on. Aside from the tutorial creation engine, thar part is fun and I feel equipped to do that. Any help out of this paradox would be welcome, even if that's just designing a scenario via text.
Thanks everyone!