Final data! (ish)So I don't have an official report from kickstarter yet, and this could change if anyone issues chargebacks. But in terms of what has been successfully processed at this point -- and which kickstarter has either moved into the success pile or the "dropped" pile, here are the numbers:
- 30 dropped pledges
- 1 of those was one $160 one that I canceled at the request of the backer, for reasons that were unspecified other than "I forgot to cancel before it closed"
- Total uncollected funds was $1,144, so well within our (overly conservative) margin for error.
This is higher failure than some other kickstarter folks that I've talked to, but they had lower backer counts and funding amounts in general. On the flip side, it's lower than what I've heard of as general ranges for kickstarter pledge failure rates. I'm left to conclude that we did pretty darn well, but also that the larger your pool of people, the more likely you're going to have failed pledges (and not in a linear sense, possibly?).
It would be fun if I had more data on this. But at any rate, now whoever comes along next with some other kickstarter and is putting their numbers out there will have ours to compare with. Yay data sharing!

I also just want to say a huge thanks to everyone, because this is a tough time of year to be spending extra funds and this is a great result for us in terms of being able to do what we had hoped with the game without cutting into our buffer too much (for if things go sideways at any point, etc).