On the subject of failed pledges, about 3% of the pledge total had an initial error, so $2,974. That was in the ballpark of 138 individual pledges that failed -- probably slightly higher than that, since Keith and I ran our numbers at different times.
Already the number of errored pledges has dropped to 134, so that's coming along. There's a two-week period for pledge collection and fixing, and we get the money after that. We scheduled this for December 19th specifically so that the day we get the money would be next year, and thus not eat us in taxes right at the end of this year. We'd have had to have higher funding goals based on tax brackets and whatnot if it was appended to this year.
Quite a bit of planning went into this.

If folks are interested in other (anonymous/aggregate) data that we can figure out, please let us know.