Author Topic: Exploit: Keep turrets on command stations types that don't support them  (Read 2008 times)

Offline TechSY730

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When switching a command station from one type to another, buildings the previous command station could provide the new one doesn't aren't scrapped. This means you can get, for example, beam turrets with an economic command station without battlestations. Buildings/units the new command station does have but has a smaller cap does scrap excess units as expected.

I am a bit sad to report this, as my current defense uses this exploit, but it clearly isn't intentional behavior.

To reproduce:
  • Take a planet, build a military command station on it.
  • Build 2 factories, a beam turret, and a sentry
  • Replace the command station with an economic command station

One factory, all beam turrets, and all sentries are scrapped

One factory is scrapped. The beam turret(s) and sentry(s) remain because the economic command station doesn't provide them

Also works with logistic command station and mines

« Last Edit: June 02, 2019, 03:05:30 pm by TechSY730 »

Offline x4000

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Thanks for this!  Do you have a savegame with an easy repro case?  I'm just trying to blitz through things, and so trying to avoid spending too much time setting up repros.  I really appreciate it!
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