Author Topic: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th  (Read 4610 times)

Offline x4000

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Chris here!  Okay, so this is a whole lot of random stuff from the last month, and these are some of our internal videos that I did a quick vetting of and figured were safe to release for those people who might be interested in them.

These are all unlisted on our youtube channel, to not clutter that up with this sort of thing, but if you're interested in the development work side of the process (technical or art or otherwise), here's some meat for you (in chronological order):

December 10th, 2016: Chris rambles about custom editors for Keith, but generally fine to show for whoever.

December 5th, 2016: Notes for Keith, specifically aimed at showing what was done in AI War Classic so that he could replace it with something much better for AI War 2 (via Forge Networking).

January 16th, 2017: Quick visual mockup for Blue (artist) of unpainted model of my rough (VERY rough) concept for the Ark for AI War 2. This is incredibly ugly in a lot of ways and is meant to be a bit of a "throw together some legos as a 3D concept" sort of thing.

She then takes it and makes it into something that is actually awesome, which is work that is currently in-progress as of the time of this post (though there are some screenshots from Maya).

Warning: this is very much "how the hotdog is made" in terms of the nature of the video!

January 16th, 2017: Notes for Keith on some craziness that happens with external DLLs and moving the cheese on unity, plus how to re-link assets that become unlinked.

January 17th, 2017: Here's are some progressive screenshots from Maya of what Blue (artist) had done at that point (very very incomplete) and how her work was evolving from mine.

On the left in the first shot is the terrible mockup fbx file I created, and then in the center is what she was evolving that into in broad form:

Then later that day, two more shots of the Ark.

January 18th, 2017: More screenshots from Maya from Blue's work, where she is basically done with the model itself.  She notes "I left all the small bits in grey-checker so you can distinguish them from the main ship."

A few hours later that day, more stuff (in false colors).  She notes:  "UV's done and organized.  Each color indicates a set of UV's. So if they share a color, they share a UV set.  So there will be 8 texture sets."

And then actually painting those uvs in Photoshop comes next, and is currently in progress. :)

Here are the flat colors, actually, with her notes: "I haven't done any of the detail work yet. Just laying down the base over all."

January 18th, 2017: Quick visual mockup for Blue (artist) of unpainted models that may or may not be used, with the general idea of the motion they would have, and the vertex-animated internal model for the "wormhole" inside the AI Warp Gates for AI War 2.

Very very rough, and not meant to be any sort of final product.

January 19th, 2017: Notes for Cinth on setting up LOD groups and otherwise optimizing the particle effects for AI War 2 to keep the framerates high.

Visual Evolution of the Bomber

This is out of sequence because it happened over the course of many days throughout this whole process, but here's an interesting look at some of our workflow.

I gave Blue this reference bomber model to work with that I had created, but it was messy and needed a lot of work, and had no textures yet:

In the above two, it's shown next to the fighter for scale.

She then had to do a lot of fixing of the model, which is a process we've decided to scrap because it's much easier for me to create a rough approximation with notes (ala the Ark, as seen above), and then her to create the final model from scratch herself rather than trying to repair my wreckage.  Nonetheless, she spent 3ish hours repairing the wreckage of my bomber and made something awesome out of it:

Note how crisp all the lines are, although it's not yet having a proper shader, and it looks washed out, etc.  This is to be expected.  Generally once I pull it into Maya and apply my shaders and tweaks, it is basically the final touches that turn it fully awesome.  The post-processing effects and bloom and her emission maps help a lot with that, too, to be sure.

But this time, there was a problem.  I set it up, and did so like this:

Grooooosss!  While the lighting and so on is cool, there's a lot up there to hate compared to the original model.  She noted there was some quality loss, and I wasn't sure specifically which things she meant, so I pointed out the following possible areas:

With some detailed commentary on each area that are not worth repeating here.  At any rate, I made a lot of tweaks to the shaders, and we got to this:

Muuuuch better.  Still needs work, though.

She finished her tweaks to the emission map and the albedo texture, and I figured out some big improvements on the texture import side (both quartering the VRAM used by the bomber as well as improving its crispness), and we arrived at this:

Biiiiig difference.

That's It For Now!

Just a lot of random notes, since we've been quiet.  There was a ton of other stuff happening as well, but this gives you some idea. :)


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Offline Draco18s

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2017, 02:19:23 pm »
Was a lot easier to read in the KS email, as it resized all the images.

That said, the larger images are very nice.

Offline x4000

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2017, 03:20:54 pm »
It's best of all in the wordpress format, I think, because it resizes them but also lets you click them to expand them.
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Offline daktaklakpak

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 07:02:17 pm »
My mate was watching the video about the ark over my shoulder, and heard you commenting about the common player points of view and need for distinctive shapes.  They mentioned that there are some good silhouette tools for some of the modelling programs that can help a bunch when trying to evaluate a shape from different perspectives.  I think I heard Blender plugins mentioned, but I'm sure there are others.  Just though I'd pass it along  :)

Offline WolfWhiteFire

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2017, 08:11:44 pm »
Personally I feel we need more of Keith's interviews, though it might end up hard for him to find voluntary interviewees considering their tendency to mysteriously explode.

Offline chemical_art

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2017, 09:14:16 pm »
It's so funny how the ark looks like another ship design from a space game. I want to name it but I am afraid that would skew the results. Overall good stuff.
Life is short. Have fun.

Offline Draco18s

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2017, 11:27:24 pm »
It's so funny how the ark looks like another ship design from a space game. I want to name it but I am afraid that would skew the results. Overall good stuff.

I think that particular comment already happened, which is why it is shaped thusly.

Offline x4000

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2017, 09:57:07 am »
@daktaklakpak: Good to know!  Thanks for the tip. :)

@WolfWhiteFire: More are definitely coming, but he's just been crazy busy.  I think he'd planned on doing more prior to now actually, but some of our architecture-overhaul stuff took a lot longer than we expected (but also yielded better results -- he has an average of 7 seconds now from hitting save on his code to being in the game, which is lightning fast).

It hasn't all been the architectural stuff, of course; there have just been a ton of areas all across the board that we've been ramping up in, from the GUI to the modding capabilities to networking and the list goes on.  The new model of the GUI is far more moddable than I had thought it might turn out to be, but we're also having to roll our own (Keith is, anyway), because MarkLight turned out to be using a lot of inefficient methods to do its work AND required its xml be compiled into the project.

On my end I got sick of Movement Plus and moved to Curvy, but am doing a fair bit of rolling my own there as well, and after discovering some inefficiencies in DOTween I'm rewriting the simplest cases by hand, too.  Things like that might not sound important, but when we're talking about thousands of ships it adds up fast.

My main goal, personally, has been to make it so that we aren't having to redo our architecture for the sake of efficiency later.  There are plenty of optimizations that we're skipping right now in order to avoid premature optimization -- those will happen during alpha.  But I want the first alpha next month to be functionally performant on the general hardware range the final version will be.

@chemical_art: You mean the mothership from homeworld 2, or something else?  That was definitely the inspiration behind this.  But rather than having it be something that is so symmetrical vertically, I wanted it a bit more tapered and half-shaped.  I like what they had going, but didn't want to skew too close to that so that it felt like a ripoff.  Homages are great, but copying not so much.  Overall the art style of Homeworld 2 has definitely been an influence, although you can also see a lot of how the art of Starward Rogue is playing into how Blue is painting the ships.  It looks really different in 3D, but looking at the original albedo textures she makes, it's basically the same style of coloring and line work there, which is pretty cool.  Minus any painted lighting, of course, since that's done in 3D and/or emission maps now.
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Offline Squashyhex

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2017, 01:14:11 pm »
To be fair, other games have used the design too. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion used a similar style for the Vasari Titan class ships. It looks cool :)
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise. It's continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no one has gone before."

Offline x4000

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2017, 02:41:00 pm »
Sure, everybody takes inspiration from everybody, past a certain point.  I just like having a broader base of inspirations than just Star Trek and Star Wars, which are the two grandads of the visual genre, of course.
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Offline chemical_art

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2017, 05:57:33 pm »
To be fair, other games have used the design too. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion used a similar style for the Vasari Titan class ships. It looks cool :)

That was the game I was reminded of :)

It is true that all these "home" ships have similar design which I enjoy seeing. They all also have some fun twists.
Life is short. Have fun.

Offline Squashyhex

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Re: AI War 2 Random Working Notes Video Roundup - Circa January 19th
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2017, 06:33:59 pm »
You just gave me a great idea for a Star Trek themed mod! Switch out the AI for the borg, and hey presto! Shame I can't code  :'(
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise. It's continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no one has gone before."