Trying to help grab a principle from this discussion...
Are "we" realizing the need for some game element(s) that are finite (to apply pressure to drive toward the end of the game), yet not prone to micromanagement?
Pilots are too precious not to micro, and their loss too morbid.
Ships are finite in the sense of cap limits, but they may or may not be infinitely rebuildable.
Metal seems workable... plentiful, necessary, but finite. (However, I feel this "Warcraft model" lacks a certain elegance I expect from an Arcen game.)
Turret/defense on a planet should be finite, I know they can be insanely so in AIW Classic. Is micro relatively low, more of a "reload last saved game" thing?
This thread has also mentioned AIP, hacking points, science points as resources that are already finite in AIW Classic. There are several other resources and several "time" resources that could also be examined, if it helps anyone in their thinking.