Author Topic: Playing After Winning The War  (Read 33597 times)

Offline Steelpoint

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Playing After Winning The War
« on: September 02, 2016, 01:21:10 pm »
If you win the game in the original AI War, aside from getting a big flashy "YOU WIN" sign the actual game does not change.

What I means is that should you chose to continue to play the game then it seems you destroying the AI does not affect the remaining AI forces. They continue to be reinforced, exo-galactic strikes keep getting sent against you, etc etc.

My humble proposal is that when the player wins in AI War 2 that this has a actual effect on the remaining AI forces in the galaxy.

The effects should be, in my opinion.
  • AI Forces stop receiving reinforcements
  • All AI held systems no longer communicate with one another, meaning all units in a system act as defenders for that system alone. They don't ever leave.
  • No attacks are ever mounted on Human forces, no reprisals, no threat, no exo-galactic strikes and no wave attacks.
  • AI Progress no longer has any effect on the game or remaining AI forces

The idea being that should a player want to keep playing and to re-conquer the entire galaxy from the remaining AI forces, then that should be feasible. It would be interesting none the less.

Assuming such a thing is not difficult. I think a similar circumstance occurs in the exodian blade ending.

Offline Tridus

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2016, 01:27:29 pm »
Makes perfect sense to me.

Offline x4000

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2016, 03:52:06 pm »
I like these ideas, also.
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Offline Elestan

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2016, 11:30:42 pm »
The effects should be, in my opinion.
  • AI Forces stop receiving reinforcements
  • All AI held systems no longer communicate with one another, meaning all units in a system act as defenders for that system alone. They don't ever leave.
  • No attacks are ever mounted on Human forces, no reprisals, no threat, no exo-galactic strikes and no wave attacks.
  • AI Progress no longer has any effect on the game or remaining AI forces

I agree completely with stopping the introduction of all new AI units.  But if the AI units go semi-dormant, it seems like it's just going to be a long slog of a mop-up.  Why not do something more interesting, and have the AI's now-stranded forces launch a final assault?  Here's my proposal:

  • The exo-wormholes close and vanish.
  • The AI gets no new units under any circumstances.
  • All of the remaining guard posts transform into Guardians of the same Mark and type (or the closest match).  Core guard posts become Dire Guardians.  Tachyon Sentinels become Decloaker Starships.
  • Each AI Command Station transforms into a Core Starship of the same Mark
  • All of the units in systems with AI Warp Gates are assumed to be in contact with each other.  They use those Warp Gates to rally in a single Neutral system (as there are no longer any AI systems), and then turn into Threat.
  • All of the AI units in systems without AI Warp Gates are assumed to be cut off from each other.  They each rally into a separate fleet, and charge the nearest Human system, trying to destroy its CS.  If they succeed, they move on to the next one.  If they ever enter a system with an AI Warp Gate, they regain contact with the collective, and turn into Threat.

This seems like it would be much more fun & exciting to play through.

Offline Tau

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2016, 07:12:25 pm »
I agree completely with stopping the introduction of all new AI units.  But if the AI units go semi-dormant, it seems like it's just going to be a long slog of a mop-up.  Why not do something more interesting, and have the AI's now-stranded forces launch a final assault?  Here's my proposal:

The exo-wormholes close and vanish.
The AI gets no new units under any circumstances.
All of the remaining guard posts transform into Guardians of the same Mark and type (or the closest match).  Core guard posts become Dire Guardians.  Tachyon Sentinels become Decloaker Starships.
Each AI Command Station transforms into a Core Starship of the same Mark
All of the units in systems with AI Warp Gates are assumed to be in contact with each other.  They use those Warp Gates to rally in a single Neutral system (as there are no longer any AI systems), and then turn into Threat.
All of the AI units in systems without AI Warp Gates are assumed to be cut off from each other.  They each rally into a separate fleet, and charge the nearest Human system, trying to destroy its CS.  If they succeed, they move on to the next one.  If they ever enter a system with an AI Warp Gate, they regain contact with the collective, and turn into Threat.

This seems like it would be much more fun & exciting to play through.

I see this being fun but I also feels like it'd be kind of detrimental to the 'Universe' given that the idea behind destroying the AI home command station is that it will immediately 'Kill' the AI in its entirety. It would be weird to see the 'YOU WIN' appear only to sit and watch the AI suddenly swarm in its entirety to your home command and blow it to smithereens... some victory.

I could see this as a game option, maybe - call it something like 'Last Resort' and you have to survive everything coming right at you at once in order to claim victory after you destroy the AI home command. It'd be possible if the AI is deliberately dumb at that point to reflect its loss of all intelligent processing yadda yadda, just one final attempt at pure brute force destruction.

Offline Tridus

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2016, 02:09:46 pm »
The effects should be, in my opinion.
  • AI Forces stop receiving reinforcements
  • All AI held systems no longer communicate with one another, meaning all units in a system act as defenders for that system alone. They don't ever leave.
  • No attacks are ever mounted on Human forces, no reprisals, no threat, no exo-galactic strikes and no wave attacks.
  • AI Progress no longer has any effect on the game or remaining AI forces

I agree completely with stopping the introduction of all new AI units.  But if the AI units go semi-dormant, it seems like it's just going to be a long slog of a mop-up.  Why not do something more interesting, and have the AI's now-stranded forces launch a final assault?  Here's my proposal:

  • The exo-wormholes close and vanish.
  • The AI gets no new units under any circumstances.
  • All of the remaining guard posts transform into Guardians of the same Mark and type (or the closest match).  Core guard posts become Dire Guardians.  Tachyon Sentinels become Decloaker Starships.
  • Each AI Command Station transforms into a Core Starship of the same Mark
  • All of the units in systems with AI Warp Gates are assumed to be in contact with each other.  They use those Warp Gates to rally in a single Neutral system (as there are no longer any AI systems), and then turn into Threat.
  • All of the AI units in systems without AI Warp Gates are assumed to be cut off from each other.  They each rally into a separate fleet, and charge the nearest Human system, trying to destroy its CS.  If they succeed, they move on to the next one.  If they ever enter a system with an AI Warp Gate, they regain contact with the collective, and turn into Threat.

This seems like it would be much more fun & exciting to play through.

In essence, that's what the Showdown devices in Classic do.

Offline rogerbacon

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2020, 04:58:38 pm »
Were any of the ideas here implemented? After a win does the game just continue on as normal? What if you take every planet? Are there still AI events that can happen?

Offline BadgerBadger

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Re: Playing After Winning The War
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2020, 05:59:50 pm »
After you kill an AI that AI stops doing much of anything. No more reinforcements, no more waves, and it won't send ships to attack you.

Also it becomes hostile to any other AIs in the game.