General Category > AI War II - Modding
"AIW2ModdingAndGUI" Modding Tutorial
This video is directed at external modders, for whom we've now set up a unity project that comes with the game and which makes it easy for you to add your own ships, models, sounds, visual effects, and more.
This does NOT cover code additions or changes, and data changes like balance statistics, etc. Those are handled through the AIWarExternalCode visual studio project, and the GameData/Configuration xml files, respectively.
Actually creating content for any of the above is beyond the scope of this particular video, which is more about how to get set up and find what you need. There is an ongoing series of videos that I've created that does cover all sorts of topics related to this, however.
And in the future I'll create more videos that are more concisely focused on specific modder-oriented topics.
This video requires you be on version 0.109 or later of the game.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for this. Very clear and helpful. :)
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