General Category > AI War II - Modding

AI War Dev Diary Youtube Playlist (lots of modding details)

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As per suggestion, here's the stickied link:


You might want to call out which ones are the most useful for a modders, and the watching order you recommend. There's a lot of videos there!


--- Quote from: BadgerBadger on February 19, 2017, 06:41:59 pm ---You might want to call out which ones are the most useful for a modders, and the watching order you recommend. There's a lot of videos there!

--- End quote ---

We can do that.

Right now the stuff is mainly an FYI and working notes.  It's made for mainly the audience of either Cinth or Blue, depending.  In some cases information gets outdated and superseded by a later video, such as how we handle the LODs.

All of which is to say, when we start getting further in, I'll be making official videos that are more focused specifically for modders.  Not for a few months on that yet, though; my hope is that most people during the alpha will be aiming themselves at helping us refine the core game itself (though of course people are free to do as they wish).

Certain things are likely a moving target until EA, as far as modding goes, and the risk of breaking changes is particularly high until then.  Not that I don't want anyone to mod until EA, but I'm just letting you know where my own priorities and availability are between now and then, at least!


--- Quote from: x4000 on February 21, 2017, 01:25:54 pm ---Not for a few months on that yet, though; my hope is that most people during the alpha will be aiming themselves at helping us refine the core game itself (though of course people are free to do as they wish).
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Yea, getting things off the ground first is important.

That said, it's very important to have folks outside our team do some early testing on (for example) the core workflow for adding new ship graphics. If there are gotchas, we want to know about those sooner than later :)


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