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Survey Software Survey

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--- Quote from: Dominus Arbitrationis on September 14, 2016, 10:18:25 pm ---Yea, the survey. Well, anyone with feedback can answer. I just forgot to put that in as a question for the website survey.

--- End quote ---

Be specific :)

You haven't gotten a V2 of the website survey up yet?  You can fix that one error and get the new question in at the same time.  Win, win!  Just update the OP when you do.

Dominus Arbitrationis:
I put up V2 of the website survey. That error should be fixed. Oh, and I updated the OP. :)


--- Quote from: Dominus Arbitrationis on September 14, 2016, 10:38:47 pm ---I put up V2 of the website survey. That error should be fixed. Oh, and I updated the OP. :)

--- End quote ---

It's a one and done so I can't verify.

Oh, if you set...

--- Code: ---#navigator-container {
    margin-top: 0;
--- End code --- the CSS, that'll probably alleviate Chris's concern about the excess of white space above the next button.  It has 4ems right now which is a good 60 pixels.


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