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Number of Ship Types

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(This really isn't an idea, just a small critique on what I think so far)

I am sort of sad to see the absurd number of ship types go. Yea, I understand why (1. for 1.0, it is infeasible to port all the content over; 2. many of the ship types were just small "tweaks" on another ship type, which is now being formalized into an actual game mechanic), but it is still a bit sad. The whole "hundreds of usable ship types" thing (ok, maybe not that many) was one of the unique things about AI War I liked; part of what I felt made AI War "AI War"

Thoughts? Think the new "upgrade" system will be able to still give the "tons of ship types" feel?
Also, I am aware that some of this will be solved somewhat as existing "truly new mechanic" ships get ported over in later versions, or even new ideas entirely added.

I'm not. Of the "hundreds" of ships, there was maybe dozens where I really understood what they did and how to use them. A smaller group of those I favored and actually wanted. A huge pile of other "stuff" that I never really wanted to use very much.

Thinning out the pile will mostly be a good thing. Plus, it makes room for new things to come later.


Infinite number of ship types.



--- Quote from: Pumpkin on September 09, 2016, 06:04:17 am ---Moddability.

Infinite number of ship types.


--- End quote ---

Except that XML only mods can't create new mechanics. It's not like I can very easily mod Protector Ships back in if the thing that makes them work is itself removed from the game.


--- Quote from: Tridus on September 09, 2016, 07:35:19 am ---
--- Quote from: Pumpkin on September 09, 2016, 06:04:17 am ---Moddability.

Infinite number of ship types.


--- End quote ---

Except that XML only mods can't create new mechanics. It's not like I can very easily mod Protector Ships back in if the thing that makes them work is itself removed from the game.

--- End quote ---
Dammit! They lied to us!

Sorry, I was sarcastic.

My true point is: sure, less ships. But moddability.
And the apparently reduced quantity of unmoddable mechanisms is for game balance and clarity, which I'm entirely supporting. And I say "apparently reduced" because new ones will come (and already came).

However, the candy techs kinda ruin that "mod space". This is one reason for why I hate them. Personally.


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