General Category > AI War II - Kickstarter Reward Questions

Thematic names?

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In terms of naming things, AI... Ever since I saw that reward level, I've been wanting to inflict an AI called 'backprop' or 'gradient descent' on everyone. Have to figure out what that means in terms of the AI traits and authoring tools though.

Lord Of Nothing:

--- Quote from: NichG on December 19, 2016, 06:47:39 pm ---In terms of naming things, AI... Ever since I saw that reward level, I've been wanting to inflict an AI called 'backprop' or 'gradient descent' on everyone. Have to figure out what that means in terms of the AI traits and authoring tools though.

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Now that is truly evil.


--- Quote from: NichG on December 19, 2016, 06:47:39 pm ---In terms of naming things, AI... Ever since I saw that reward level, I've been wanting to inflict an AI called 'backprop' or 'gradient descent' on everyone. Have to figure out what that means in terms of the AI traits and authoring tools though.

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AI Trait -- Stochastic Gradient Descent, make the AI decision making exponentially faster, but controls its ships terribly. Attack? INSTANT REINFORCEMENT. Fleet wipe? Reprisal RIGHT NOW! However, it takes 3 times more ships to beat you down due to inaccuracy.

OK, SGD doesn't really have that problem, in real life.

Hmm, trying to come up with something for my planet name. I'm bad at this kind of thing!
I'd probably find it most fun to have something with Youkai in it, if it's possible for that to be thematic.
Actually, would simply 'Youkai' work?


--- Quote from: YoukaiCountry on January 04, 2017, 01:21:48 pm ---Actually, would simply 'Youkai' work?

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Seems fitting to me.


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