Hey folks!
Hope you all are well.
So -- basically, add-ons from backerkit, plus the backerkit backers in general, throw off things a bit when it comes to giving people, fairly, badges that reflect the level they actually supported the game. With that in mind, what I've opted to do is make it so that the badges are simply based on the total dollar amount spent, rather than on the actual pledge tiers. In 90% or more of the cases, probably 98% or more of cases honestly, this yields the exact same result.
In those few cases where it does not, it should instead reflect your greater contribution (thank you!), which I feel like is deserved. If for whatever reason you are assigned into a tier that is higher that you do not want, then please let myself or Quinn (Dominus Arbitrationis) know, and we'll get you sorted out by hand. Our goal is that nobody is unhappy with their badge-level, and that everyone is fairly represented.
So here's how it is broken out:
16-23 MarkI
24-43 MarkII
44-71 MarkIII
72-99 MarkIV
100-259 MarkV
260-319 Fenyn
320-399 Nemesis
400-499 Neinzul
500-799 Zenith
800-1999 Burlust
2000-9999 Spire
10000+ Platinum