General Category > AI War II - Interface

SMF -- Simple Machine Forums -- For Newbies



Loads of people use social media and are excellent with computers, but that doesn't mean that the archaic form of communication known as internet forums means much to them. In many ways, forums have more in common with the BBS days of yore than they do with modern social media or email or word processing, so it's worth going over how to use forum software even for someone who's not remotely a tech newbie. Enjoy. :)

And yes, this relates tangentially to AI War 2, because this video is mainly for Dune, my dad, since this software is new to him and he's helping out specifically with some forum conversation steering and moderation.

We also have a number of other kickstarter backers who might be intimidated by forums, I have no idea, so there's always the chance this is useful to one of them.


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