General Category > AI War II - Ideas For Maybe Later

Play as the AI DLC Idea

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It would be fun to have a DLC/Expansion Pack in which you can actually play as the AI.

It could work in multiplayer too, one person plays AI, other plays human.

The AI player could have like a anger mechanic and stuff to limit spawning and actions

I imagined a player "race" being a Rogue AI.

Guard Posts instead of turrets; Guardians instead of Starships.

High ranked on my mod-list.

Rogue AI = human player playing AI "race" against opponent AI (still PvE & coop).

An dthen the humans show up and start wrecking the place while you can't really do anything about it.


--- Quote from: Cinth on September 16, 2016, 01:53:57 pm ---An dthen the humans show up and start wrecking the place while you can't really do anything about it.

--- End quote ---
No: And then the Humans get mad at you-the-AI if you blow up nukes, magically spawn Human Avengers and crush your Home Processor.

Captain Jack:
Hahaha. Fun idea but probably not. Competitive multiplayer isn't likely either.


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