General Category > AI War II - Ideas For Maybe Later

Map/Mission/Scenario Editor

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This may be shuffled into the "ideas for later", but could there potentially be support for a "comes with the package" Map or Mission or Scenario or what-have-you editor?

It doesn't need to be crazy fully featured like, say, Starcraft IIs editor, but even a simple map editor could be fun to play with.

That would be merged with the tutorial editor.

However I don't feel like "campaigns" (in the sense of series of hand-crafted maps linked together by a linear story) is much appealing in our community. I think AI War prefers "emergent" campaigns: our best example is Fallen Spire, of course.

I believe "interaction-rich Minor Factions" would better fit in the AIW's philosophy.

Anyway, if the tutorial editor is powerful enough, nothing would prevent us from doing hand-crafted campaigns.


--- Quote from: Pumpkin on September 24, 2016, 01:39:35 am ---However I don't feel like "campaigns" (in the sense of series of hand-crafted maps linked together by a linear story) is much appealing in our community. I think AI War prefers "emergent" campaigns: our best example is Fallen Spire, of course.
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Good point, but with modding the community will change a lot.


--- Quote from: kasnavada on September 24, 2016, 01:52:57 am ---With modding the community will change a lot.
--- End quote ---
I don't know. I'm not sure everybody will take on modding, and as that would require a certain amount of personal investment, maybe only players already familiar with the game would venture into full-scale-campaign modding. (I think it's you, Kas, who would like to see a Startreck mod, right?) So will the community change thanks to modding? I'm not sure. (I don't say it would be bad, though.)

Anyway, moddable tutorial => hand-made campaigns sounds pretty reasonable, no matter what the community will do with it.
(I also remember the ideas of hand-crafted challenges, somewhere in these forums...)


--- Quote from: Pumpkin on September 24, 2016, 02:12:53 am ---I'm not sure everybody will take on modding, and as that would require a certain amount of personal investment, maybe only players already familiar with the game would venture into full-scale-campaign modding.
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Neither I think. Actually I'm pretty sure than most of the "old guard" around here won't start doing mods at all. New people will come in and take care of that.

IMO, a significant part of "current" people on the forum are barely interested in modding if even interested at all. Even to the point of being blind to the fact that it's a selling point for a sequel. All people that actually would be interested in modding AI War will not be here because it's currently not moddable, so they probably left already. Thing is, a forum "that old" is more or less a fanboy group... people staying like what's there. But, on Arcen, "there" changes. To set an example, to me, the difference in atmosphere and discussion between the AI War forums and the Starward Rogue forum is already very perceptible and kind of a proof of what will happen.

Actually, it's amazing to me how much of the discussions here, and how many people here, do not even take modding into consideration. Even when thinking of new ships / races, people think of a stretch goal first or an expansion. For those, it's like modding does not exists. But, it's pointless to even consider that subject as a discussion, as the "sub quantity" of people of arcen fans as a whole ain't interested. It's like trying to explain spicy veggie Indian cuisine merits to French food fans and meat enthousiasts. No matter how much they consider if and / or try to be open minded, it's not interesting to them.

That will depend, of course, on how much is really moddable, and how easy it will be to mod. On that I trust good old Arcen perfectionism and reactivity to add new "commands" to modders.


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