General Category > AI War II - Ideas For Maybe Later

Champions Remade

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Captain Jack:
Modules might be going away but I think I'll miss having Champions; a ship that gets stronger as you do is a cool idea, and they're useful. Here's a thought that could keep the progression and the customization: Heroes of Might and Magic style level ups. When you leveled up a character in HoMM you got some version of this screen.

Every level presents you with two random passive skills. These improve ranged attacks and defense, there are skills for magic power and melee attacks as well as skills for your hero's field abilities. Each skill has multiple tiers that improve the effect. Options you do not choose can be offered again later on.

So for AI War 2, when you level up you get your two options. Let's say... Tractor Beams Mk I and Advanced Armor. You take Tractor Beams and a bunch of them get added to your ship automatically, while Advanced Armor goes back into the ether. There's no module involved, it simply becomes a ship with tractor beams. Later you get the option to upgrade your tractor beams, which increases the mark of the systems that are already on the ship and maybe adds more.

In some ways this is a more restrictive system than the modules. Upgrades cannot be swapped out, and you can't choose the composition of your weapon systems. The upgrades are a mix of class specific and generic--Only Neinzul Champions can get Carrier capacity, for example, while only humans can get lightning turrets. Champions in this system would still come in race-specific flavors, but this time you can't switch at will.

Any questions, comments or hate mail?

I don't see how things levelling up at all fits into the rest of the game. Why can this one unit level up, while everything else has to improve via unlocking higher tiers using knowledge?

Fundamentally, it's another genre jammed into the middle of AI War.


--- Quote from: Tridus on September 03, 2016, 06:07:20 pm ---I don't see how things levelling up at all fits into the rest of the game. Why can this one unit level up, while everything else has to improve via unlocking higher tiers using knowledge?

Fundamentally, it's another genre jammed into the middle of AI War.

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That's basically what was said of heroes in warcraft 3 at the start.
I think I don't need to argument further than that.

I personally dislike champions: they are the introduction of a totally different gameplay that doesn't really blend with the rest, and the Alt.Champ.Progress didn't really addressed that, IMO.

Also, it clashes with a design philosophy: no invisible upgrade.


--- Quote from: Pumpkin on September 04, 2016, 01:50:35 am ---I personally dislike champions: they are the introduction of a totally different gameplay that doesn't really blend with the rest, and the Alt.Champ.Progress didn't really addressed that, IMO.

Also, it clashes with a design philosophy: no invisible upgrade.

--- End quote ---

I might would agree with you but the Champs stuff is player only.  The AI versions are always frigates with mk 1 modules.


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